Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Come, Let Us Reason Together

I know this is the internet, but where is it written that it has to be a place where logic is absent and "troll-esque" comments are the norm? Society is on the brink of major moral and cultural change, shouldn't that be reason enough for all of us to speak reasonably to one another concerning whether or not the change many want is beneficial or detrimental to our society? If we are really a tolerant society, then we should be placing a high premium on reasoned arguments and upon listening intently to one another in an attempt to understand and judge the merits or demerits of each others' position.

Name-calling has never been a valid means of establishing one's position. You may disagree with someone, but calling him names or writing him off as dumb for not sharing your point of view does not automatically make your position the right one. Name-calling is an assertion, and in the realm of logic, which is the backbone of language, assertions must be established by argument. You can't just make an assertion and expect that it will end the matter. If you are to be persuaded of the truth of your position, then it will not do to put the other person's down. You need to hear the other person's position, and he needs to hear yours. And both of you have to do your utmost in calling forth your mental powers in order to produce sound arguments for the establishment of your respective positions.

Christianity has always placed a high premium on well-reasoned arguments. There is an underlying belief that every person is made in the image of God, and thus is able to hear and respond to logical arguments. Furthermore, Christianity has always believed that arguments can be done in a respectable and profitable way. The underlying belief is that we ought to speak the truth in love.

This blog is set up in the hopes that we can attract those who do not share our belief in Christ or in the moral standards set forth by the Christian tradition and engage them in a respectable and profitable way. The inaugural post by my esteemed colleague might seem a bit pessimistic, although I would say it is realistic given the current state of affairs on the internet. However, I want to encourage respectful dialogue. You can expect from us here at Viral Apologetics rational and respectful arguments. Can we expect the same from our visitors?

Let's set a new standard of dialogue.

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